Monday, May 4, 2009

Beware the bombs

To say, i'm going to be bombarding you with images from Rosemount Fashion Week, because i am Australian after all, and pretty proud. Just to start, Romance Was Born- really this is why i love Australia, we have fun, and not just that, we're fucking inventive about it too, and not so, you know, tense and wound up that we can't have a laugh...

Honestly though, this shit is fucking amazing. Maybe you should prepare yourself for lots of f-bombs and s-bombs, i'll avoid the c-bomb if you like. I look at all this and this, Jesus Christ i'd like to be in fashion, unfortunately while i do dig style, and my style, i haven't much more than that, and i do really want to be a poet. That's why i'd want to be a model, or just a top celebrity and i could go to all this stuff. But the former i'm clearly not and couldn't be regardless, and the latter, well, maybe i'll get there? But these days are poets famous like that? Are authors? Maybe just the hotties...


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