Sunday, March 22, 2009

I found another photo

Another of the photos taken the other week at Oxford Art Factory.
If you can sort of make out I'm wearing my ultimate shorts- leather baby.
So I'm wearing shirt from Target, Bow tie is Henry Aimes (or something like that!), from DJ's anyway, Shorts are from the Surry Hills Markets (vintage), Stockings- thigh high with lace at the top are also from target, and I'm wearing slip on old woman shoes from an op shop, and a spotlight chain around my arm.

I like this black and white androgynous style, a little pulp fiction, a little man, all good
Though, while i was waiting for a bus this conversation followed:

Man: where do you work in an outfit like that
Emma: um, I'm a student, i don't work...
Man: oh, sorry, i thought you were much older then that, how old are you by the way?
Emma: 19
Man: Really? What are you doing tonight?
Emma: I'm going to see a band I'm just waiting for my bus
Man: my mates car is just parked over there, i can give you a lift
Emma: um (wow), no thanks the bus should be here in a minute
Man walks away, keep in mind he's middle aged and overweight.

So sweet, someone thinks I'm a prostitute...


Mariona said...

Lovely pic you looks cute

Nadia said...

first of all, awesome outfit and i love your shorts

the tights are perfect to wear with suspenders, mine are just the metal clip ones, and because of the thick(ish) lace around the tops of the tights, they don't rip!

don't worry i always get mistaken for a prostitute

....and that man sounds like a fucking creep !!